Jacob and a Dream Come True Page 4
Chapter 4 - Get out of my Head!
As he made his way down the hallway, Jacob ran into Jessica.
“Wow, you were right about Mr. Arnold,” she said.
“Why did you leave me there by myself?” Jacob was mad. He felt that it was her who made him do it.
“I’m sorry,” she laughed, “I couldn’t help it.”
“Ok, well I’m done with this. You got me in trouble. First, I get in trouble with Mr. Bliggnam and now with Mr. Arnold. I don’t want to get in trouble anymore.”
“Well, I can fix that,” said Jessica.
“What? Are you kidding me? After what I just said?”
“I said I was sorry Jacob. What more do you want from me?”
“I don’t want anything from you anymore. You get me in trouble,” said Jacob and he tried to walk away.
Then Jessica said, “Well, then I guess everything will go back to what it was. But worse.”
Jacob stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. Now, Jacob was really mad. “That’s right, Jacob. I’ll make it worse. A lot worse.”
For the first time, all day, Jacob felt scared. Jessica no longer looked like the sweet girl he had met earlier that day. Now, she looked mean and with her ability she could make Ricky look like his best friend. Literally.
“What do I have to do to make this all better?”
“You have to give me–,” she paused for effect, “you.”
“Me? What do you mean?” Asked Jacob.
“I mean I want you forever, Jacob.”
Jacob was paralyzed, “Who are you?”
“Well, I’m Jessica silly,” she giggled.
“Up until now, I have never seen you before. You said you’ve been here for three months. But, I’ve been here for five and I have never seen you before today.”
Jessica stopped laughing. She moved closer to him and said, “You catch on quick, Jacob. Perhaps, I’ll give you a chance. If you can figure out where I come from I’ll keep everything the way it is. If you can’t, then you will be under my control, forever,” she said. Then, Jessica vanished in thin air.
Jacob headed for his locker, determined to find out where she came from. When he approached his locker he began thinking of how he met Jessica. She suddenly appeared right in front of him after his glasses fell. Then, when Jacob made the shot in basketball, she appeared next to him. Jacob never saw her walk up to him. How did she know the things she knew? She knew a lot about Jacob. Then it occurred to him that it all started back when Jessica shook his hand when he made his first deal with her. When she made a cheeseburger appear in his hand, Jessica had her head on his shoulder.
“Touch!” Said Jacob and he ran to his next class.
Study Hall was boring enough, but time was going extremely slow. He couldn’t stop watching the clock. He tapped his pencil and thought about everything once again. His ability was working in full force now. He was trying to break every event with Jessica down. From the time he left her in the hallway, after Gym, till now. He was now wondering who the real bully in this school was. Jessica has probably done this to everyone, including the teachers.
The door busted open and Ricky barged in, “Where’s Jacob!”
Everyone in the classroom pointed his or her finger at Jacob, including the teacher. Jacob didn’t know what to say.
“There you are. What did you do to me, Jacob?”
“What?” Asked Jacob.
“You did something to me. I want to know! What the heck did you do to me?”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“Yes you did! I can’t remember anything except you. You were the last person I saw in the hallway when you bumped into me!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jacob flinched when Ricky reached for his collar. He lifted Jacob up out of his desk like picking an egg out of its carton, “I swear, Ricky. I didn’t do any-,” Jacob paused, “Wait. I got it! Put me down Ricky, I know what to do.” Ricky didn’t budge. He looked madder then he did before.
“Put you down?” Shouted Ricky, “I should clobber you!”
“Put him down you big lug.”
Jacob and Ricky turned their heads. Jessica stood in the middle of the room. There were no desks. There were no students. There wasn’t a teacher. Ricky dropped him immediately and trudged his way behind Jessica. Then, Ricky stood there.
“You see? I control everything in this school. I make things work to my benefit. Everyone here belongs to me. But, I want you Jacob.”
“I know,” said Jacob, “but you can’t have me.”
“What makes you so sure of that Jacob?”
“Because, I know how your ability works. My ability allows me to break apart whatever I want. It also, allows me to repair anything I want. In this case, my mind.”
Jessica’s smile vanished. Her face turned red in anger. “Well, you can’t get out of this Jacob! Nothing can stop me!”
“You’re in my head, Jessica. From the moment we shook hands. In fact, I am still in the hallway when my glasses were broken.”
“Impossible! How did you find out?”
“Every time you used your ability you had to touch me. But, you never walked up to me. I never saw you coming. It’s as if you were just there. You disappeared from the lunchroom. You appeared next to me in the Gym. You could only do that if you were in my head. Not to mention, you said you make dreams come true,” Jacob approached her, “ All this time I thought it was Ricky who did the bullying. But you’re the biggest of them all. You don’t make dreams come true, you create your victims worst nightmare. I never liked sitting in the front of the class. I never would’ve started a food fight. I didn’t want to get in trouble. But, you made it possible.”
Jessica stomped her feet hard on the ground, “This isn’t fair!”
“Get out of my head Jessica and leave everyone else alone.”
As Jacob finished Jessica screamed a high-pitched squeal and vanished behind a bright yellow light.
At that instant, everything transformed back into the hallway. Jacob was on the floor. His glasses were on the floor next him. He reached over and grabbed them. They were unbroken. Everyone stood around him as he sat up and put his glasses back on. Then, a hand reached out from the crowd.
“Watch where you’re going, bud,” said Ricky and helped Jacob to his feet.
“What happened?”
“Well, you bumped into me and I got a little agitated. I didn’t mean to do that?”
Jacob was confused, “Do what?”
“Well, my ability is a little hard to control sometimes. When I get surprised it kicks in and sometimes I can’t control it. So, I accidentally used it on you.”
“You mean, you’re Jessica?”
Ricky laughed and said, “No. I mean, yes, but no. I created her in order to get close to you. It was the best way for my ability to work on you. You’re the only one who seemed to get back in one piece.”
Jacob had his mouth open in amazement, “But you’re the strongest kid in this school. How do you have two abilities?”
Ricky laughed again and said, “I don’t. I made that up.”
Jacob looked around and watched as all the students headed to Gym class.
“C’mon. I’ll play a game of basketball with you.”
Jacob nodded his head and followed Ricky to the gym.
About the Author
B.R. Baugh is moving toward a college degree in creative writing. His first novel, Meta: The Neutral Zone, is a sci-fi that involves evolution and will be available soon after graduation. He currently resides in the great state of Colorado.
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